Your Local Search Engine, A Great Site

Oh the wonders of the internet…sometimes it’s really scary what "they" know!

I decided to try a new local search engine which is a hybrid of several current sites, in essence a one stop shop for finding local businesses and services in Omaha, NE. It’s advertised as being better than local yellowpages, easier and twice as fast…..and it is.

I typed in and wham bang, I was taken on a local search for my own town, Omaha, Nebraska. In the top right corner was the current temperature and weather conditions from Weatherbug and places to click on for local restaurants, coupons and events. I'm assuming that by some magical trick you'll get the information for your own area.

I decided to click on COUPONS thinking I’d find cents off coupons on groceries but was pleasantly surprised to be taken to 52 local restaurants with printable gift certificates. Many were restaurants I have never been to….but getting a $100.00 gift certificate for $40.00 was too tempting to turn down. Guess I'll try the new restaurant .... which is exactly what the site wants you to do.

Clicking EVENTS was also a surprise, There are events at Bass Pro Outfitters, Lauritzen Gardens - Omaha Botanical Gardens, Omaha Childrens Museum, and even Christmas at Boys Town, and things going on at local bars, lounges and the civic center….all events that I had no clue were being held. Plus, it even provides a map to help me find them.

Visit and see what your town has to offer!

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