Do you remember when you said these words…’Til death do us part’? Nowhere in those marriage vows was divorce mentioned. You thought you and your loved one would be together forever. You’d have a family, a boy who looked like you and a sweet little girl who was the picture of her mother. Unfortunately for many marriages this beautiful dream turns into a nightmare. Perhaps money is the problem, unwillingness to give up one’s former lifestyle or maybe that one of you has grown or matured and the other didn’t. After trying to work it out without success, the next stop is the twilight zone of family law attorneys.
Cordell & Cordell is a family law firm dedicated to father's rights and leveling the playing field for men in family law cases. This is not to say that the judicial system - family lawyers, judges or social workers are prone to assume without proof that the mother should automatically be awarded primary custody of the children, but in many cases, this is the end result. The law firm of Cordell & Cordell was founded in 1990 as a general practice firm with focus on men's divorce attorneys and family law. The firm is focused on child support, custody, paternity, modification, complex divorce and asset division all of which puts the father’s rights on a level playing field.
There are nineteen states where Cordell & Cordell offices can be found. Every lawyer on staff is qualified to guide you through the most trying period in a man's life. They are on call 24/7 and will do their best to make it easier for you and your children. Our divorce attorneys focus entirely on men's divorce, child custody, paternity and modification. Divorce, child custody and everything having to do with unraveling your family is not pleasant….don’t let yourself go through it without a competent attorney at your side.
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