2012 Vacation will be in Cape Cod

Ken and I have taken many vacations during our 53 year marriage.  When our children were small, we would spend 2 weeks with my parents who owned a resort in Northern Minnesota. As they got older, we traveled to theme parks like DisneyWorld, Six Flags, Adventure Land and Silver Dollar City.
When the kids grew up and were on their own, we started taking cruises, mostly to the Caribbean and Alaska.  Our last land vacation was to Chicago where we boarded a train for a 14 day round-trip from Chicago going through the Midwest to the west coast and returning to Chicago via Oregon, Washington, Montana and Minnesota.  
In 2012 we’re looking forward to seeing the East Coast, particularly the Cape Cod area.  We’ve heard about Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket and have always wanted to actually see them. Especially Chappaquiddick, a name that has intrigued me for years.  Being born Midwesterners, we are fascinated by the ocean and can’t wait to see the areas we’ve only heard about.
We’ve contacted Weneedavacation for Cape Cod Rentals….they have many choices from bustling Falmouth and upscale Chatham to secluded Wellfleet and rental prices vary from expensive to reasonable. 

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